Example of Curriculum Vitae and Application Letter

Personal Detail
Name                           : Feshanti Safitri Aisyah
Address                        : Jl Gunung Batu, Bogor
Phone Number             : 081271088111
Place, Date of Birth     : Bogor, February 14, 1997
Gender                         : Female
Marital Status              : Single
Religion                       : Moslem

Education Background
2002 - 2008                 : Elementary School Sukadamai 3 Bogor
2008 – 2011                : Junior High School 7 Bogor
2011 – 2013                : Senior High Shool 8 Bogor
2013 – 2017                : Accounting Departement at the University of Gunadarma, Depok

Computer Skills
Microsoft Word , Microsoft Power Point , Microsoft Excel, Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, Zahir, MYOB.

Feshanti Safitri Aisyah


Bogor, January 15, 2016
Subject : Application for Employment
Feminim Magazine Grup

In accordance with the offer of a job vacancy from Feminim Magazine group, I volunteered to be the editor in the Feminim Magazine Group. My brief data, as shown below:
Name :Feshanti Safitri
Places & date of birth :Bogor, February 14, 1997
Last of Education :Degree in Accounting Departement at the University of Gunadarma, Depok
Address :Jl. Gunung Batu, Bogor
HP, e-mail : 081271088111,Feshantis@gmail.com
Marital Status : Not married
I have a very good health condition and able to speak English both orally and in writing. My education background is satisfactory. I have been accustomed to working with computers. Especially operate MS Office application packages, such as Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. I love to learn, and can work independently and in teams with good.
For your consideration, I attach the following biographical data (Curriculum Vitae).
I hope Mr / Mrs willing to take the time to give me the opportunity to join in the Feminim Magazine Group. Thus this cover of letter and thank you for the attention of Mr./Mrs

Feshanti Safitri

Source :


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