Part of business letter and the styles of business letters

A.     Part of Business letter

1.   Letter Head
A letter head consists of a name and address of a firm that sends a business letter. It sometimes consists of telephone number, address of branch of offices, names of CEO. It is usually printed on the top of the paper.
Examples :
115 Downing Street

Phone : 1499
President : Francois Carlos             Established : 1999

2.   Reference
Some companies, especially big ones, Dixie says, have a system of tracking letters by chronological numbers, employee initials, department codes/numbers or whatever else they choose. This is what they put in the reference line. Or sometimes you can include the reference line in your letter to refer to the information specifically requested by the recipient, such as a job reference or invoice number.
The reference is typed on one or two lines, immediately below the date. This means it is typed to the right of the center in the modified block and indented business letter layouts. Dixie says you can also refer in the reference line to the letter you are replying to, if you wish.
Examples :
Re: 180/VG
Re: Job # 389-03
Re: Your letter dated 11/15/2006 (this can also be used as a subject line, see Dixie’s comment under the subject line below)

3.  Date
It consists of date, month, year or (month, date, year). If there is no Letter Head, make sure you put the name of the city before the date line.
Examples :
  • 23rd November, 2013  or        November 23rd, 2013
  • 28 July, 2013                or        July 28,2013

If there is no letter head in a letter, you must write a full address of the sender, example :
115 downing Street, London
June 28th, 2009

4.   Inside Address
It usually consists of 3 or 4 lines, :
The name of a person or the firm you are   writing  to.
Number, the  name of the street
The name of city ( A country when applicable)
Examples :
Mr. Prana Pramudya
115 Downing Street

5.   Salutation
The type of salutation depends on your relationship with the recipient. It normally begins with the word "Dear" and always includes the person's last name. Use every resource possible to address your letter to an actual person. If you do not know the name or the sex of of your reciever address it to Dear Madam/Sir (or Dear Sales Manager or Dear Human Resources Director). As a general rule the greeting in a business letter ends in a colon (US style). It is also acceptable to use a comma (UK style).

6.   Subject Line
Its inclusion can help the recipient in dealing successfully with the aims of your letter. Normally the subject sentence is preceded with the wordSubject: or Re: Subject line may be emphasized by underlining, using bold font, or all captial letters. It is usually placed one line below the greeting but alternatively can be located directly after the "inside address," before the "greeting."

7.   Body of Letter
A  good letter body should fulfill the following requirements : 
  • Concise / short : Never make up sentences just to make a letter look longer.
  •  Simple : Avoid making up complex sentences. Try to make up a simple sentence. 
  • Systematic : Always put your ideas in order from A to Z. ( From opening paragraph to closing paragraph there should not be any repetitions)
Body of the Letter consists of 3 paragraphs :
  • the opening paragraph
  • the content paragraph
  • the closing paragraph 

8.   Complimentary close
Polite closing ends always with a comma. It is either at the left margin or its left edge is in the center, depending on the Business Letter Style that you use. It begins at the same column the heading does. The traditional rule of etiquette in Britain is that a formal letter starting "Dear Sir or Madam" must end "Yours faithfully", while a letter starting "Dear " must end "Yours sincerely". (Note: the second word of the closing is NOT capitalized)

Complementary Closing usually consists of 2 lines:
  •  Closing Words / Expressions
  •  Name of Firm

9.   Signature
Business letter signature line   usually consists of signature of the person who writes the business letter. Below the signature we usually put our  name.  Below our name, sometimes we put our  title  or  position  in  the  company   or institution  we work in.   Mostly,  this  is  just  to inform the person who has not known us before. 

10.      Enclosure
When our business letter has one or more attachments, such as price list, collection letter, brochure, invoice, resume etc., we must make sure that we state it in the main letter. The statement that we send another paper other than the main letter is called enclosure reference. This enclosure reference is usually shortened as Enc. or ENC. or Inc. or Encl. or Incl.

B.    The Styles of business letters

1.    Full block style
Writing on full block style: business letter usually located on flattened left as letter head, date, inside address, subject, salutation, body of letter, complementary a close, signature or as a whole of format letter being in a position flattened left.

Example Form Letter Full Block Style :

2.    Lock Style
When he was writing a business letter, for example, a letter a request for work you must pay attention to the format or style of letters and a typeface ( font ) used. The format of a business letter most frequently used is the block style. Applying this format all parts of a letter written flattened left with spaces between lines single / of a sentence and spaced duple inter-intercity alinea or paragraphs. The image on the latter part of this article is an example of a business letter with the format of the block.

Example :

3.    Semi-block style
Semi-blok fromat: in a format this text parallel left and all paragraphs in the letter is indented. Format shape on this letter on letter head, date, complementary a close, and signature being in a position flattened right. In the layout uneven right, but can dibilangg flattened middle. Other parts on a letter as inside address, subject, salutation, body of letter, and enclosure if terdapatnya attachment letter,Being flattened on the left.
Example Form Letter Semi Block Style :

4.    This format Indented Style

On the first line at the beginning of each paragraph starts with a few spaces from the left side, the distance is usually 1 cm spacing. the writing inside the address and signature section is done identasi. The magnitude of the identasi on each line is directly proportional to the order line. For example the first line does not do identasi, on the second row done identasi 0, 5 cm, in the third line is also done identasi 1 cm, etc. On the first line of every paragraph begins a few spaces from the left side. Usually 1 cm spacing distance from the left border.
Example :

5.    Simplifed Style Format
Simple shapes (Simplified Style) is a form letter that is almost similar to the shape Straight Full but only without any greeting and closing greeting. Usually this letter goes to the people who were working at the company. Sometimes the simple form of letter writing is very simple without regard neatness and regularity. 
Example :

6.    Hanging Style Format
Hanging Style is the Format paragrafnya hang, or leaning more to the left. the form of this letter on letter head, date, complementary close and signature are in the position of the Middle letters. The other part on letters such as the inside address, salutation, body, subject of letter are in the position of left-align. at the beginning of the paragraph, paragraphs hanging is not spaced.
Example :

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