Part of business letter and the styles of business letters

A. Part of Business letter 1. Letter Head A letter head consists of a name and address of a firm that sends a business letter. It sometimes consists of telephone number, address of branch of offices, names of CEO. It is usually printed on the top of the paper. Examples : a. ENGLET & BROT LTD 115 Downing Street LONDON - ENGLAND b. GOOGLE MILLS INCORPORATION 499 NORTH WARREN AVENUE SYRACUSE 2, NEW YORK Phone : 1499 President : Francois Carlos Established : 1999 2. Reference Some companies, especially big ones, Dixie says, have a system of tracking letters by chronological numbers, employee initials, department codes/numbers or whatever else they choose. This is what they put in the reference line. Or sometimes you can include the reference line in your letter to refer to the information specifically requested by the ...